Thursday, June 13, 2013


The last couple of posts I doubled up on some of the pictures Wendy already posted. Wendy is good at capturing what the family is up to, so I think I will primarily post odds and ends, what ever I want to rant about, and small updates.

Dad- Is sad he is no longer coaching baseball.  I had a lot of fun. 

Wendy- Everything is GPP, even though the Stake President said not to do that! Ha! Ha! Ha!

David- “Us is Hungry!” He said this as we were driving out of the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon on Sunday.

“Is the Holy Ghost Creepy?” Question at FHE.

Eric- While Eric attended nursery during church, I used to joke with Wendy that as far as girls go, it will be downhill from here on out for Eric.  The Nursery leaders were the H girl and DH and they would always give him hugs and kisses and all of the attention in the world.  Now in kindergarten, he has these girls that like him.  I call them “Barbie” because a couple of them (i.e. the Poulsen girl) look like Barbie dolls.  Now I joke with Wendy “after the first grade, it will be downhill from here, you can’t top Barbie.”

Lisa-I find it mildly amusing three boys asked Lisa to marry them this year; However, if this trend continues, I’m going to homeschool her. 

Sorry David – nothing to report for you. 

With all of the parties and stuff going on with the kids I worry that they are being over stimulated.  So, I decided we are going to make the kids pull a lot of weeds this summer.  I told Eric and Lisa they could either practice baseball in the back yard or they can pull weeds.  They all decided they wanted to pull weeds.  Eric was getting into it.  As his hands were full of weeds with the roots sticking up- “I was born to pull weeds!”

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