Saturday, June 22, 2013

Awesome Play

Eric had a doubleheader today.  Memorable play- this whole season I have wondered how fast Eric really is.  He doesn't hustle, and no one has ever challenged him.  We have the kids do drills in the back yard, and they have him run in practice...  At a critical juncture at the game, he was a base runner on third base.  The batter hit the ball down the third base line, Eric started trotting towards home plate.  Eric looked behind him as a very athletic third-baseman made the catch and started to run down Eric.  Eric looked like he saw a ghost and put it into high gear and outran the third baseman all the way up the baseline.  He beat the fielder by inches all the way to home plate.  No one has ever seen Eric run that fast.  Eric's score made them one run away from tying the game. We ended up scoring two more runs that inning to end the game.  It was awesome!

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