Thursday, October 17, 2019


I planted two big boy tomatoes and two beef stake tomatoes.  Everyone said this was a bad year for tomatoes.  But we had a ton of tomatoes.  The tomatoes on the east side of the trellis did not have as much sun during the year.  They were slower to start than the tomatoes on the left side.  We probably harvested about 250 pounds of tomatoes.  The plants grew over and down the 6 foot U shaped trellis.  It was most excellent.  The one regret I have is that I was too busy and did not pull all of the green tomatoes off the trellis before the first frost.  I let a significant amount of tomatoes exposed to the frost.  Probably 70 pounds worth.  It's not like I can give them to neighbors because they don't taste as good as an August or September tomato.  Now I'm feeding these to the chickens.  Probably 90- 120 orange size tomatoes.  on the positive side, we canned almost 100 bottles, had fresh salsa every week, spaghetti sauce, and even barbecue sauce.  It was a lot of fun.

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