Lisa- Lisa played in the Bear River Tournament this weekend and she played great. I always have fun watching her play. One of the teams we played was really good. They were hotdogs, and they had one player that was really full of herself. She hit a shot to center right field and was trying to get an in-the-park home run. Well, Lisa is a competitor. The throw came in and there was a huge collision. Lisa got the girl out, but got banged up with a girl that is two years older. It makes my heart sink when that stuff happens. Lisa was shaken up but she was back out the next inning. Side note- I laugh when parents say they are afraid to put their kids in football. Yes, every football game several kids get banged up. Eric and Lisa have been hurt more times playing competitive baseball and softball than Eric has playing football so far. If you play sports you are lucky if you have never been banged up.
Lisa at Viewmont High playing orchestra with Canyon Creek Elementary and a couple of other schools.
Lisa at the age she is out growing primary - So every now and again she hangs out with Mom and YW
Eric- Eric is doing all sorts of stuff. Eric's rec team is fun.
Eric at Book Battles
Reading, math, computer science, and science are Eric's thing. I wish we could find more things with math and programming. He blew away all the teams at his school and did good at the Davis County Competition.
David- David always has something funny to say.
Dad and David at Viewmont
David on first base
I took some days off while the kids were on spring break. Wendy and I decided to put in a shed in the corner of our back yard. Lisa and Eric were a big help in putting it together. Lisa was a huge help. Even David went with me to pick up gravel for the base of the shed. It is a nice shed, but the kids have wanted to sleep in it every Saturday we have had it up. So, it is empty right now and I'm going to let the kids sleep in it as long as they want to. Then I will fill it up with a ton of stuff.
I can't remember what this is. Lisa and Wendy making breakfast on Easter or making breakfast for Young Women's. Not sure. It looks fun though.
Cool picture from Zions- Lisa and Eric
Dad- I found this picture-appears to be Lisa's 9th birthday.
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