Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ice Cream

 Sunday night Lisa's Sunday school teachers took their kids to one of their ice cream facilities in Ogden.  It was a big deal and Lisa said everyone had a lot of fun. She said they all tried six different flavors.  I don't know, I just think it is cool of the Farr's to do that.  When I was growing up I had few teachers that were so fun and did that kind of stuff.

Lisa on third base at Brigham City.

Lisa catching.  She did average the first inning and then did fantastic the 2nd inning.

I don't have any pictures but she also played third base and made some amazing plays.  She tagged a girl out, and fielded a really hard hit ball and threw it to first.  She made the play look easy.



This football game did not go over so well.  It turned out the team we played was good, but not that good.  However, the league brought in a hot-shot high school reffing crew; two of them were jerks, the other two were fine.   We lost the game because of this crew and as you can imagine  a lot of people were pissed.  Everything that is wrong with sports- it happened during this game.  And it all happened on the Farmington side.  They did not call the other team on any penalties, just us.  Multiple people were ejected throughout the game.  Even the umpire got in it with a parent towards the end.  I like the way our head coach handled the situation.  He is such a good coach and a good example to the kids.  He also commands great respect.  A couple of times parents started swearing so the flags started to fly.  After the refs made the call John just turned around and said "who said that!" and the parents immediately took responsibility and left the facilities.  I think everyone respects John so much they will do what ever he says.  That is a huge compliment to our coach considering how high emotions tend to run at these things.  I think it is a good example to have a coach that gets fired up in the right way.  He is kind of like Kyle Whittingham- gets fired up and yells a lot but cares about the kids and puts a lot of thought into the kids.  It's a wonder we only lost by 6 points with this crew.

Eric made all his plays at center.  He only had one bad hike out of the shotgun but it was good enough that the quarter back got it and made a play.

One thing that I really like about football is the camaraderie between the players is the highest of any sport.  The families too. We often would go out out eat and hang out with the other families which is common from everyone I talk to who has a child that played football.  It is pretty cool that Eric has his football family and that they all look out for each other.  It was a great year!

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