Sunday, September 11, 2016


The kids wanted to barbecue really bad on labor day and it was a busy weekend, so we ended up roasting hot dogs in the back yard.

                                          Daisey was laser focused on David's hot dog. 

                                           Kids playing trac ball after eating

Today was a fun day.  I was up at 6:30 AM to take Lisa to Softball.  After practice we drove up to Smithfield for Eric's football game.  He had a good game.  He has some real chemistry going with his teammates.  They all like him and he likes them.

                          Eric getting ready to hike the ball.  Eric likes to talk about football.  He will talk for hours about the different schemes and where he is supposed to be based on the play.

Eric hiking ball against Smithfield Bobcats.  The game was never close.  We blew them out.

                                                      Eric at Defensive tackle

This is the game all the parents became restless and started yelling at the refs.  It started to become obvious the were on the side of the home town team.  

                                          Leaving after the game.

                                       Coach John talking to the team

                                        David taking a picture of Eric and I after the game

We were not sure if David took a good picture so we had someone take a picture of the three of us.  Notice how I'm wearing my ASU shirt shirt is more than 20 years old.  Yes I like my wardrobe.  At the family reunion my sisters and Wendy were giving me a really hard time when Katie dug out these old pictures and Wendy says "Those are the same clothes you wear today"

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