Saturday, June 4, 2016

Memorial Day

Between baseball, basketball, and football, most of our Saturdays are booked.  So on Memorial day we decided to split.

David building a fort

David having a conversation with Daisey

Roasting hot dogs

We shot the .22 bolt action and .22 pump action a lot this day. Wendy shot her XDS.

Lisa likes to dress up the dog


The hike was very pretty

David and Daisey have a bond.  It's funny to watch them- Daisey mostly obeys him even though she is twice his size.  It is especially funny when we go on a walk and David takes the leash.  If Daisey wanted to she could pull the leash and drag David down the street.  But she lets him be in charge.

Dad and Lisa

We hiked for six hours the canyon with some friends.

Swing half way up the canyon


The crew

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