I took Eric and Lisa to Skull valley on Saturday. I didn't take any pictures but it was a lot of fun. The Weather was kind of cold. Eric would not answer me unless I called him "fire-fighter Eric". That is who he pretends to be now days. Lisa spent the day trying to convince me we need horses. I finally asked her what she would do with horses. She said "look at them and pet them". Of course the neighbors on both sides of us have horses so she can look and pet them. We may have to compromise and get a dog. Maybe.
The women in the neighborhood regularly get together, stay out late, and talk (under the guise of book club). This week I guess the guys thought they wanted a turn. So on Tuesday we went over Nate's house to watch the Jazz Lakers game. It was a blow out. So at half time he gave us a demonstration of his mome theatre system that lasted the rest of the night. It was an impressive set up. I have never seen a sub woofer so powerful and so crisp. I started to hide in a corner becasue I don't like it too loud. Even from the corner, the pants by my shoes were moving as that thing was pushing air through the room. Unbelievable.
Last night we built a fort in the living room for Eric and Lisa to sleep in. They have been asking to do this all week. Of course, they didn't make it through the night. Lisa came in every 10 minutes complaining that Eric was destroying the fort. When I would come in Eric would pretend like he was sleeping with a smirk on his face. They are both fun kids.
Oh, that's funny. I totally went to "book club" last week where we didn't actually discuss any books and I didn't get home until 10:30. Good times.