This Summer we worked hard researching, designing, and installing our landscaping. Wendy is a sprinkler expert having talked and discussed the various designs and layouts with all the sprinkler dealers in town. The back yard has 5 Rainbird impact heads per zone. This should ensure we never have pressure issues watering the yard.
The front and side yards have the
Rainbird 5000 heads that are quiet. They are also 5 to a zone. The front strip has 12 10H's on zone 11. Zones one and two have 21 and 13 sprinklers. I like the way we designed this, we put in good parts and I think we did a good job. From July 20th to September 20th, we pretty much spent our time from sun up to sun down working on the yard. Except for Sunday.
I think we were blessed
because we all stayed healthy. I don't think my body could have taken working more hours. I rented a tractor to put in the rocks in front of the house. It was tricky because the rocks were big and heavy. When Childs brought the rocks over in his dump truck and dumped them out, the whole ground shook when they landed. We did not let Lisa and Eric out to play outside during all this. So when I took this last picture, Lisa just wanted to run in the sprinklers, even though it was cold that day.
You guys are amazing. I have to hire someone every spring to do a yard clean-up. That's how landscaping challenged I am. :)