Friday, June 23, 2023

One Reason I'm LDS


I have been stressed out at work.  We have moved offices which causes stress.  I supervise an IT person that cannot prioritize his work and I let him go.  I had to go to Washington D.C. to report on a program that I was nervous about. I went to church the week before the trip on a fast Sunday.  A friend’s daughter was having surgery, so the ward was fasting for the family.  I felt all of the cares of the world leave me on Sunday as I was thinking of someone else and the problems they have.  I’m thankful for the Holy Ghost that touches my heart.  I don’t really understand the need for Christ and don’t understand the atonement.  But I do understand how I feel when I read the scriptures, pray, and sometimes even go to church.

Friday, May 5, 2023


 1.  Gravitationally Challenged

2. Banana Chair.  Hucking the chair out of the doug out when they did not get a hit.  The other team asking why Farmington brought a banana chair into the dougout

3.  Courtney's Grandpa.  When ever anyone's phone rings "Court you better answer your grandpa" practicing and they all see grandpa drive up on a practice day.

Thursday, March 10, 2022


 I have not written in this in a while and I doubt anyone knows how to locate this blog.

Book- The First  Two Thousand Years- Adam and Eve were probably cut off from Christ for 60 years.  During this time they learned how to cope without revelation from Christ.  There is a lesson to be learned here.

One of the greatest truths to be discovered during earth life- that the commandments of God should always be obeyed...history is full of examples which prove that those who obeyed the commandments of God were always in the right." 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

David journal

 Sunday the twenty seventh 2020 September I have been going to the garden evry day too look at my peppers i have a maricachi pepper hot portugal pepper apache pepper cayane pepper tabasco peppo and the banna pepper but the thing is my dad got a new pepper but he ripped it out but i rescued it but it has four 1 centimeter pepper and i have been examineing it for now three months i have been coding stuff with my awesome brain and i have have been examining miracle man i have 2 blue prints and i have had time with my dad so we had burrito meet and i made pepper pouder i have been playing videogames with my brother eric i am trying to be realy nice but sometimes i screw up and he hates me but i always will love him and i hope he fells the same about me i realy try to be nice but the only time he is nice is when we are playing video games together but i will always and forever love him portect him and help him always and forever. we had a no shirt dinner and we had pop it may not be a big deal but i don't have much and i have been playing basketball and football i play pointguard and shooting guard in football i play qb quarter back because my team can not play the position and i am realy good at it i play corner back because i can stick up with the other people speed so i get losts of interseptions but i can also play reciver because i have jukes but people don't think i can becuase but i can.i use to play baseball and i played pitcher and third base and was not great at pitcher but i am really good at third but i gave up on baseball for basketball but ya. I was trying to be nice to the family but it is not doring choronovirus covid19 i went two 2 days but now i am going to 4 days i am exited but evrybody is going to get sick so school will end. I am ending my journal with the golden rule treat others as you want to be treated.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Home Maint

By the way all the kids loved going canoeing and paddle boarding yesterday.  David is so small,  he runs up and down jumping on his board.  It is funny to watch.

7/3/2020 Replace ceiling fan in Eric and David's bathroom.  I got the cheapest one they have because it was the only kind that match the dry wall cut out.  It tool me under 5 minutes to install but I don't want to go to the trouble of cutting out sheet rock, turning off the power, etc.

Replaced the handle on the toilet in my bathroom.  Not sure why those break so often.  Will start keeping track.  I bout the $9.00 one which is not the cheapest, not the most expensive.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Garden 2020

So I have learned some things gardening this year.  I wanted to grow peppers this year.  We have not had luck with them in the past.  I mistakenly thought the plants could survive as long as it is above freezing.  It turns out anything under 45 degrees will kill them and they don't like to be under 50 degrees.  Don't start them until the lows are over 50 degrees.  We will see if  the tomatoes survived.  they appear to be a little more resilient.  Anything under 45 degrees with them is not a good idea either.  Used old dirt on the very north plant.  Used new mix on the very west.  Not strong and not good.  I placed chicken manure on the very bottom.  I don't like chicken manure.  I read that if it is 90 days old you are ok to use, but then many sources say you have to  compost for a year or you are at risk of samanila poisoning.

For peppers 3 gallons are good.  Peat moss is good.  Need drainage hole in the bottom of your pots.
Growing in the ground should be 1/3 peat moss.
Don't need to feed them until they are bigger.  Only plant peppers at the soil line.
Peppers will need support if growing bell pepper, especially not in pots.

Tomatoes: 16 inches wide and a foot deep.  Space holes two feet apart.
5/15/2020- I buried three plants 5/7/2020 and one week later they look like they have not grown.  The same thing happened last year.  The first two weeks they did nothing.  Then they took off.  Probably takes a while to get over the shock of being buried.

I made a couple of mistakes:  1)  I planted the 4 plants that came into one container in one big pot.  Next time one plant per container.  2)  I planted the garden when it was to cold and killed the plants.  Then I planted when it was unseasonably hot.  Don't plant if it is 94 degrees in May.  Wait for it to cool down.

My tomato plants were not robust until around 6/19/2020.  Some died because I transplanted them wrong.  Also, In May, the weather was cold then hot then cold.  Think about not planting until June 1st.  Peppers are doing well but it is a struggle.  Think about buying a stake that you can stake them to.  Also the clips things seem good to get on amazon.

7/15/2020 Tomatoes starting to form.  They seem to form the most on plants that have been pruned.
7/20/2020 Picked 1 Portugal and jalapeno pepper.  However, some of the plants such as Tabasco are flowering, but no vegetable to date.

Place one 8 foot post in ground.  Do single vine pruning- only allow one vine to grow up post.  Prune everything else. September 1st, stop single vine pruning and let it grow out.

Have a group that get pruned to one or two gauges so they can ripen earlier than the rest of the group.

Tomatoes started getting ripe 8/20;  Have a few 8/27;  tons of peppers;

Tons of f at 8/27, the stuff eliminates all of them, but if you don't have that and working you will get over run.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


I planted two big boy tomatoes and two beef stake tomatoes.  Everyone said this was a bad year for tomatoes.  But we had a ton of tomatoes.  The tomatoes on the east side of the trellis did not have as much sun during the year.  They were slower to start than the tomatoes on the left side.  We probably harvested about 250 pounds of tomatoes.  The plants grew over and down the 6 foot U shaped trellis.  It was most excellent.  The one regret I have is that I was too busy and did not pull all of the green tomatoes off the trellis before the first frost.  I let a significant amount of tomatoes exposed to the frost.  Probably 70 pounds worth.  It's not like I can give them to neighbors because they don't taste as good as an August or September tomato.  Now I'm feeding these to the chickens.  Probably 90- 120 orange size tomatoes.  on the positive side, we canned almost 100 bottles, had fresh salsa every week, spaghetti sauce, and even barbecue sauce.  It was a lot of fun.