Wendy – Wendy has been busy in YW. She's a fun leader. Wendy planned a white water rafting trip in Southern Utah over the summer. The adventure was a big hit. She also has a pancake
breakfast she does on some Saturday mornings at our house that the kids
like. One time I came in to kick them
all out and they were just all sitting around looking at their phones. Yet they looked like they were having
Lisa- Lisa is very smart.
She has been helping on various projects and it is amazing to listen to
her give input to our work. For example,
we were installing an electric dog fence. Wendy and I were digging a trench
along the gravel divider and the grass. Lisa said “Why don’t you just run the wire through the black grass plastic
divider thing so you don’t have to dig the trench. We were like, “oh ya, great idea Lis!” Another time Daisy chewed through her dog
leash. So Lisa and I took her into the
garage to tie her up to the rotor-tiller.
And that’s when Lisa said “Just feed the end of the leach through the
loop and pull it tight.” It was a smart
way to tie up the dog until we purchased a new leash. It’s fun watching how her mind works.
Eric- Eric’s
favorite thing is cub scouts. He likes
his fellow scout friends. They seem to
have a lot of fun. The next door
neighbor is the den mother and of course she is really good.
Eric has been getting good at shooting a .22 rifle that he
likes. After football season ended we
would go out shooting at least once a week.
Everyone likes that.
David- David is funny.
He like to entertain his friends.
But he is also finicky. If he
does not like something he says so. I'm going to enroll him in Baseball this spring but he says he doesn't want to play. David also likes to get on the computer downstairs. The only think they are allowed to use right now is Microsoft office products. No internet and no games. You would be surprised how much David likes Powerpoint.
Daisy – Likes being out in the woods but does not like the
actual act of shooting. I usually have
someone with me when I shoot and they watch the dog. I took her up by my Mom’s by myself last
week. I shot and she started jumping up
on me, which of course is not safe. So I
kept shooting and she took off. After
about 15 minutes I decided I better go find her because she never wonders
off. She loves people. So I hiked all the way back to the truck and
she was just laying down by the driver door waiting for me.
Dad – I have been doing some reflecting the last couple of
days on how lucky I am to have such a great family. My kids are great kids, I’m lucky to have Wendy. We have done some adventurous things the past
16 years. I’m lucky I have a job.