Some possibilities for 2013 Goals:
1) Keep posting on blog.
2) Dad did a good job of teaching me how to work. I'm lazy but he was a good teacher. Growing up I had friends that never had any money, and I had friends with parents that would spoil them. Neither is good. The real world values work. So I thought it would be a good idea to encourage the kids to work by coming up with some ideas that may help build a work ethic. I thought it might be fun for Lisa and Eric to earn money to buy a family gift. An idea for a gift might be a trampoline.
Ideas to earn money:
a. Weed (our house) Would be good for Eric.
b. Grandma Judy - Farmington/Centerville apartments
Raking leaves
Maybe mowing the lawn
c. See if Grandma Saundra can have kids dig up sprinklers or something else I'm not aware of.
3) Studying scriptures
4) Studying something I want
The first thing that pops in my mind right now as I think of the family:
Lisa- Very cute personality; Likes to ride to church with me.
Eric- Talked me into playing checkers with him today.
David- Attended sunbeams for the first time.
Scott- Had a good day at church.
Wendy- 2nd thing that comes to my mind - Has her shit together.