Tuesday, March 1, 2011


We decided to let Lisa conduct FHE a couple of weeks ago and we let Eric conduct the week after that. It was funny to watch how they react to different situations.


Lisa spent all day making a program. Then, by hand, she copied the program so everyone had their own copy with their own name on it. It was placed in the assigned seat Lisa wanted us to sit in. Lisa conducted, had Eric lead the music, Mom said the prayer, and then Lisa gave a lesson on politeness. The lesson was fine. It had a little participation by Mom and Dad to keep it going in the right direction. Then she had us play a game she made up, and we had treats. It was fun to watch her plan all of this.


It was Eric’s turn the next week. Lisa made a podium (made out of empty diaper boxes) to stand behind and rest papers on for the lesson. So Eric stands behind the podium, welcomes us, and tells us if we are sitting in the right place. Then he picks the song and leads the song. At this time, Lisa kind of gets an idea of what is going on (that Eric is controlling absolutely everything) and she refuses to participate, folds here arms, and looks irritated. Then Eric announces he is going to say the prayer. After he says the prayer he gives a lesson which really ticks Lisa off because Eric is doing everything. Then he gives about a 30 second lesson on the scriptures. So we all took turns getting behind the podium and sharing our favorite scripture. Lisa still does not want to participate. Then we play a game, which Eric explains, leads, and referees. Then he says the closing prayer. He knows the right way to do things but I was too amused to argue with him.